Monday, April 11, 2011

New book arrivals!

I got some new book arrivals this week :)

The Cement Garden by Ian McEwan through bookcrossing
"Moederen met Autisme" (about autism and motherhood) for my Autism Awareness Reading Challenge and because it is an interesting topic for me in the future.
I shall have some peace there by Margaret Roach, a gift from Iris @ Iris On Books

I am currently reading: Tiny Sunbirds Far Away by Christie Watson 

Don't forget to see what others got new in their mailbox this week. At In My Mailbox and Library Loot.


  1. It is a good thing that autism is a more and more accepted and studied subject. I can hardly imagine what it was like before, when it wasn't understood at all (same with ADD).

    What do you think of "Tiny Sunbirds"?

  2. Tiny Sunbirds is an awesome book! I have read over 300 pages yesterday. I can't believe I got that far in one day, but you totally don't notice at all that is is so thick. I really like it so far!
