Monday, October 4, 2010

My magical sandbox

Imagine a magical empty space. You are allowed to fill this space with everything you wish. People, things, activities. Sometimes this will be many things while at times there will be only one thing. Everything is allowed here. Sometimes you will feel so much joy when you think of something that you can transform it into a goal you want to archive.

My magical sandbox 04-10-2010

A house with a garden full of pretty flowers and a herb/veggie garden. There are chickens, a nice dog and maybe even more pets. The cats are also there. There are fruit trees. A pond with ducks. A hammock and a swing, because I love swings. And a trampoline! I have a nice kitchen, spacious with a decent oven. It smells like fresh baked bread. And there are a lot of bento supplies. There are a gardener and a cleaning maid. I have my own room where I can draw or be otherwise creative filled with supplies! In another room there is a big ass TV and the newest computer on dual screen and the newest consoles with loads of games. And a huge DVD and book collection. A car with chauffeur are also present. And I fill my days with doing what I love, creating stuff and teaching other people.

I can see the image before me, and well it might sound extravagant and I guess it is. But who cares. I know for sure that I will have some of these things. And well only the house and personnel sound far fetched. It is a nice picture :) 

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