Friday, October 21, 2011

Readathon Fall 2011 Edition

In April I participated in Dewey's Readathon for the first time and I had a lot of fun! Tomorrow the fall edition will start and for me that is at 2PM. I won't be reading the full 24 hours, because I have chronic fatigue that would be a bad idea, but I will read as much as I can! Next to that I will also be a cheerleader, encouraging others who also participate.

This is a pile of books that I can choose from. I put some books on hold at my library and they all came through at the same time.

These are:
Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine (starting book)
The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting (e-book, not on picture)
Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott
The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
When God was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman
Island Beneath the Sea by Isabel Allende

I won't nearly finish them all and I should be happy if I finish two of them. But this will be what I will be reading within the next few weeks anyway ;)

In the morning I will prepare my readathon snack in the form of muffins ;) So... to all my fellow participants, happy reading! And to the rest... sorry for the readathon related spam ;)


  1. You've got 3 books that I recently read: God/Rabbit- so,so; Island/Sea- quite nice; Good/Fault- really nice.

    Have a fun time!

  2. The first two I had on my reading list for a while, but the last one, that was totally your influence :)

  3. and.... GO! Have a fabulous readathon!!

  4. I loved reading The Language of Flowers! Enjoy your reading!
